I am not on trial here; I know who I am and I know what I did and I know that I cannot legally be found guilty as charged. Those who have involved themselves in this child kidnapping under color of law and the effort to cover it up are the ones on trial.

In faith and love, russ dove

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

12-24-2008 More threats from Stalker Jim Stachowiak and admission he's filing false reports to harass

Jim Stach aka Jim Stachowiak has been on a rampage filing false reports and copyright claims against Christie.  By his own admission he is working to take her Youtube channel down.

Jim it is our RIGHT to post whatever we want to expose you for trying to rape her and for having child pornography in your possession you sicko! LEAVE CHRISTIE ALONE!


Tuesday, December 23, 2008

12-23-2008 Stalker Jim Stachowiak is an agent provocateur!

Jim Stachowiak is the host of American Resistance Radio. Christie co-hosted his show for a few weeks and Jim has been stalking Christie ever since. He has made false allegations and slanders her all over the internet. Jim is a snake! He made sexual advances towards Christie and she said NO! NO MEANS NO! LEAVE CHRISTIE ALONE YOU SICK PUKE!


See the evidence for yourself!




Monday, November 3, 2008

11-03-2008 Christie is being censored on Youtube again!

Latest update from Christie. Looks like we hit a nerve!

Damn! She's good!

http://www.livevideo.com/video/TruthBrigadeRadio/10A50FA302784988862C3288C0A7266E/truthbrigade-migrates-to-ameri.aspxI was deleted from youtube again today with 150 more videos I was able to upload after the last deletions.  So it's only time, right?

Actually, this means that I am hurting them or they wouldn't pay me any mind.  Was it the mafia out of PA scared that we're going to beat them this election?  Was it the hitmen in the San Diego police that were running the sex trafficking ring or the mayor married to the mob coverring it up?  Could it have been some of our so called intelligence agencies that get paid to stalk and harass me hoping to get me back in their programs or just the average agent provocateur jealous of my work?
Whatever the reason this time (since there are never any warnings or responses to my inquiries), I have to wonder what kind of threat do I pose to anyone?  What makes me so dangerous to where I must be monitered and censored everywhere I go?
One reason that comes to mind is Orwell's warning to the sheeple...
"In times of universal deceit, telling the truth will be a revolutionary act."~George Orwell
I suppose we could look closer at the owners of youtube and basically all media which would lead us to the basic pricipal of the wars we are in...
"By disinformation we shall wage war."
So here we are in 2008 where telling a lie and repeating it over and over (thanks for the heads up, Hitler) is acceptable and commonplace, but telling the truth will get you imprisoned, fined and ostracized at best.o
We have an (s)election tomorrow where we have a choice between two mind controlled drones that will both tell you that censorship is good for us...after all, it protects potential hate against the perceived underdog.  They will both tell you that we need to leave our borders open for more slave labor because it's good for the economy.  They will both tell us that bankrupting Americans, outsourcing our jobs and bailing out foreign corporations is good for our economy and that slavery is necessary...what country do they represent???
Certainly not the republic we once knew and loved.  Let us not forget that the head of our so called homeland security is a DUAL CITIZEN!!!  What country do you think he pays his allegience to?
We are headed to a socialist dictatorship and no one knows it...no one except of course the people getting deleted off youtube and myspace repeatedly...so in essense, it is better that they censor those who know, so the sheeple don't see them coming for the slaughter.  It's better to go about our day and vote for the same old republicans and democrats because after all, they said if you vote for them AGAIN, they will save you!
They promised to stimulate the economy by giving you free money, then a job at walmart.
Maybe it's better that people keep living their lives in the dark and the 'authorities' keep censoring people like me, filing repeated false reports and investigations, conducting false unlawful raids on my home and stealing my property (evidence of their crimes) while sending hitmen after me and stalking me and my children all the way across the country for the rest of my life...after all, it's just little old me screaming that something isn't right, so I must be wrong...  Everyone would be better off if they didn't hear the truth about the country we live in...everything would be all right if I just shut my mouth, right?
Well damn it all to hell, I will keep screaming and I will keep fighting!  I want to know, where are you?  How long are you going to sit back and let a girl go fight the big dogs???
My 9 and 11 year old daughters have done more for this country than 90% of the sheeple out there that continue to bend over and beleive the lies.
Tomorrow is where the people are going to believe that they are electing our new representation and that things are going to change.  Tomorrow is the day that IF our vote counted we would actually have a chance at change.
Don't give me this excuse about how splitting up votes will ensure the other party wins...WHAT OTHER PARTY, I ask you???  This is not a football game and BOTH parties are puppets of the same master!!!
Stop falling for their game and web of lies and deceit!  Do like Carl Klang says and "use your vote like a rope, hang them high!!!"
Whether osama or mcstain gets in, we are all screwed so stop fooling yourself that one is better than the other.  If you are convinicing yourself that you are voting for the lesser of two evils, not only are you still voting for evil, YOU ARE EVIL!!!
You know what you are doing is wrong, but you do it anyway for the party lines!!!
If we all voted 3rd party and not wasted our vote, we would at least send them a message that we are not buying their game.  Don't be afraid to do what's right and speak out!!!
Your children need you, your grandchildren need you!!!  Is this what our vets have fought for???
Grow a backbone and stop sitting on the sidelines falling for their lies!  Start realizing that it IS YOUR FAULT we are in this position!!!  It is your fault for doing nothing more than reading and spreading around a few emails a day.
It is our DUTY to take our country back and assert our rights! 
So tomorrow when you go to the polls thinking you are doing your duty as a good american, think about it before you listen to those idiots telling you to vote a part line...VOTE ALL INCUMBANTS OUT and TRY A REAL CHANGE!!!
end of rant
livevideo hasn't deleted me yet so I will start uplaoding the rest and catch up there when I return...

Friday, October 10, 2008

10-08-2008 Christie Czajkowski is one of the most fearless humans alive!

Christie Czajkowski is one of the most fearless humans alive! She has the ability to go where few consider and even fewer go. She has an uncanny ability to get to the crux of an issue and return with the Truth. Christie's ability to bring people of all walks of life together is one of her strongest assists in this battle of Freedom!

Christie was forced into acting by the corruption she watched grow around her and now she is currently in an undisclosed location working on the next round of actions she will be taking against those she has exposed and/or are attacking her.
Christie has single handly or through her networking abilities has exposed a child sex ring, the corruption in leadership of most status quo approved activist groups like the Minutemen operation leaders, how the mob controls so many aspects of our lives, that both sides on most social battles are funded by the same people and the list goes on and on and on.

This is one show you will not want to miss if you are interested in knowing more about the Truth as it is in the world you live.

Christie was born in Chula Vista, California, grew up and went to high school there. She was a star athlete, a 4.0 student and excelled in all of the areas she applied herself. The proud mother of two beautiful daughters and a very hard worker, she currently suffers from injuries related to the attacks of those she exposes.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

9-11-2008 Christie outs the Minute Men and Jeff Schwilk for RAPE!

Sorry, I just have to say this after receiving tons of messages about these minutemen scammers (MMP, MCDC, SDMM and SOS) and all the supposed good works they are doing.  I spent 2 years with them and know first hand that they are only there as part of the parastroika.  They were created by the FBI to round up and weed out people who really do want to make a difference and go after the root of the problem.
Of course if you feel good about standing on street corners yelling at the symptom, inciting race wars on our streets furthering the reality of martial law, please do so and be sure to send them all your money.  Of course you will have to live with the fact that they are being funded by the same people as their so called opposition.
MCDC and MMP are a joke!  They are part of the problem, not the solution!

This rape tree email below has been forwarded around forever as a means to get people to donate money.  I want to ask you, what have they done about it?

Check out these videos of the rape grove in San Diego I uncovered.

Where were the minutemen when this was going on?  Why did I go there alone and where were they when my house was raided and my computers and videos stolen with a search warrant and fake set up crime they were trying to charge me with???

I'll answer that....they were the ones setting me up!!!

Where were the minutemen when I was exposing aztlan???



They were setting me up to silence me...of course it never worked and I am still here to tell about it, but I was on the border for 2 years, building fences...not with them, they only wanted people out there for photo ops, not to build, so I went with private citizens to get the work done.
Their efforts to silence me were so immense that not only was I slandered, I was attacked, harassed and stalked by these same minutemen heroes.  I am a single mother and thought I was part of a law abiding group.
Never did I think that I would actually be saying these things or even turning them in for crimes they have committed over and over, such as shooting people and committing the actual crimes they used to try to set me up with.

canyon photos...

border photos...

border videos...




I have many more videos, blogs and photos of this situation at TruthBrigade.Com and TruthBrigade.Org.
There is tons of evidence out there about who these people really are and I encourage you to check it out.
I will be happy to answer any questions about these incidents and have done a couple shows about it which are archived at TruthBrigade.Com and TruthBrigade.Org

Thank you!  :-)


On Thu, Sep 11, 2008 at 3:02 PM, Hugh Bodey <aanh@frontiernet.net> wrote:

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Charles Lewis" <charles@saveamericasummit.com>
Date: September 11, 2008 6:12:21 AM PDT
Subject: Fw: Texas Needs Your HELP in October -Stop the Rapes
Reply-To: "Charles Lewis" <charles@saveamericasummit.com>

Minuteman Civil Defense Corps - Texas
Stop the Rapes!
September 10th, 2008

Please Forward To Everyone on Your Contact Lists!
(Using the forwarding option at the bottom of the email)

Visit Our MCDC Merchandise Store



The photo, below, shows a "violar arbol" (rape tree)
in South Texas, along the Rio Grande River.

Rape trees (spanish: violar mata/violar arbol) are common along our border with Mexico.  Coyotes, the despicable humans that make their living from smuggling people across the border into the United States, place the bras and panties of their rape victims in bushes or trees along the border.  This symbol is left behind as evidence of their "machismo" to others.  It is a combination of bragadoccio and warning to others.  Often, the young ladies smuggled across the river are lacking the $3,000 necessary to pay for their transport.  The coyote exacts a terrible price.

You Can Prevent Another Texas Rape Tree

This specific sexual assault (rape) took place on one of our watch lines during a time when we did not have enough volunteers to man that line.  By attending the October Texas Border Watch, your presence will deter illegal activity, including sexual assault, in the areas that we monitor.  We never have enough volunteers to watch everywhere, but we do what we can.  Won't you contact the Texas Director, Clark Kirby, and give him your expected arrival and departure dates for this October's border operation?  The Texas Border Watch begins on Saturday, October 4th and ends on Sunday morning, October 26th in Mission, Texas.  You can attend one night, a weekend, a week, or the full month, it's always your choice.  Stop the rapes.  Contact Clark: clark@minutemanhq.com

For more information about the Texas Border Watch October 2008, go to the Texas Page of the National MCDC website.

Here is a link: Texas Border Watch October 2008

Email Clark directly at Clark@minutemanhq.com

Quick Links...
Our Website

MCDC Merchandise Store
More About Us
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Email Marketing by

Minuteman Civil Defense Corps | 7558 W. Thunderbird Road | Ste. 1 PMB 622 | Peoria | AZ | 85381

"Lord, What would You have me do for YOU today?"

 (ASK, then LISTEN for HIS answer!!!)


"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.": Gandhi

"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act" George Orwell

Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them Eph 5:11

"...the man who really counts in the world is the doer, not the mere critic-the man who actually does the work, even if roughly and imperfectly, not the man who only talks or writes about how it ought to be done." (1891) Theodore Roosevelt

Great spirits have often encountered violent opposition from weak minds. -- Albert Einstein

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

9-10-2008 Christie is safely away from her stalkers!

Just received this communication from Christie. She is in a safe place away from her stalkers!

I hope this message finds you well on this beautiful late summer day!

I just wanted to send out a quick note to let you know I am safe and getting settled in our new place.

It has been a struggle, but well worth it as there can be no price put on freedom.

I apologize for not being accessible online the past couple weeks during my move but everything is now connected in my new location! Thank you so much for your patience!!!

If I have missed any important emails, please feel free to resend as I'm not even going to try to go through the thousands of messages I've missed during this downtime...sorry. :-)

I am excited to go back on the air FED-FREE, but am really enjoying time with my family and getting settled in the midwest. I'm so amazed to see that parts of America still remain!

No McDonalds, Bank of America or 7-11!!! I highly recommend this lifestyle for anyone seeking sanity and peace in this evil world we find ourselves in!

We can even find clean food and water to drink although I have seen first hand the devastation to the farming industry and all the floods that haven't been reported on.

Pictures HERE!


Every day I go home, it's like I'm on vacation, going back to my own peaceful little resort/park-like setting amongst numerous types of wildlife, trees and the sounds, scents and beauty they provide for us. No more traffic, no more graffiti and natural beauty is in abundance....and you're even allowed to walk on it out here, unlike CommieFornia where you can't touch anything beautiful for fear of global warming or the fear of humans destroying the beautiful forests, beaches and lakes that God provided for us in this so called free country!

After coming from California where the rent was 2,000 per month for a decent home in a neighborhood that is usually drive by shooting free in the 700K price range, it's so wonderful for me to see that you can live in other parts of America for the price I would rent one bedroom out in my house in San Diego!

So I ask, WHY ARE YOU PEOPLE STILL RUNNING THE RAT RACE??? You could have 10 homes out here for the price they say one is worth in San Diego!!! Or, you could have one home and live a little more modestly and enjoy life instead of working two to three jobs as a corporate slave just to keep up with the Jones'.

Remember, the slave masters are only in business because YOU PAY THEM!!!

You take their loans and pay them for money that doesn't exist as they continue to print it out of thin air, then charge you for it and take half you pay salary for your labor at these corporations! How ridiculous is that???

Then you pay them to lie to you on the TV everyday, never mind the subliminal messages they add every 35th frame...CAN YOU SAY MIND CONTROL???

I hate to be the one to break it to you, there is much more to life than what you've been taught! Public indoctrination centers would have you believe you are born to go to be a good little slave then run to the government anytime you don't want to take responsibility for your own actions, then you die. WHAT A LIFE!!!

Speaking of public indoctrination centers, I am now home schooling my children and have seen results in the first month!!!

Why the heck didn't I think of this sooner?

Because I'm a product of the public indoctrination system.

I used to work 3 jobs and pay other people to raise my children in day care and send them to school. About 6 years ago, I saw the irony in that and decided I'll work one job, maybe have less money, but be available to raise MY children MYSELF! What a novel idea!!! I saw the differences in my children right away when I got them out of daycare back then and had always considered homeschooling, but wasn't really sure how to do it or if I would be good enough to teach my children.....DUH!!! So I can teach them to read, talk, walk and all other basics, but I can't teach them english, math and science?!?!? That was the old way of thinking and I only hope that you also have the courage to do what's best for your children.

I am so thankful to be free of these limitations imposed upon us by those that seek to enslave us all. I almost fell for it many times throughout my life, so I understand what it's like to be in the matrix, but once you are out, you can never look back!

I do not plan on going back on talkshoe, but may do some shows on another network like NowLive before we are officially back on the air full time at our new network which will be announced soon. All of our archives still remain at our talkshoe page and will also be uploaded to our server at TruthBrigade.Com. They are also listed in the forum at http://truthbrigade.org/smf/index.php/board,2.0.html

Of course I will send an update when I plan to go back live on the air of you can sign up for updates in our free speech forum to receive emails about our shows.

CLICK HERE for email updates!

I have also received word that many of our guests and listeners have been harassed by some cointelpro agents that have been stalking me for 2 years and for that I apologize. I would like to ask you to save any correspondence they may have sent you and please forward to me to add to my files. If you are still receiving harassing phone calls, make sure to log them and record! There might be laws against wire tapping, but there are no laws against video taping yourself while you are on the phone!!! I'm sure detective lenhart knows that by now...huh?


Some more updates:

I have uploaded some recent pictures of myself and my girls you can see here.


I also just found out that my myspace page was deleted as they have to try to keep up with the youtube censorship. I think it's time I won an award for being the most censored woman on the net which of course only shows me that I am on the right track! Thankfully one of our friends and moderators at TruthBrigade.Org had already started a new page which will be updated just as soon as humanly possible!


The new myspace page is here!!!


Another listener of our show, JohnB also set up a friend feed for us that automatically shows the new posts and archives for my blog, videos and archives shows!



Most of my hundreds of censored videos are now up at TruthBrigade.Com and we are working on another video player to make them easier to view and link to.

You can also reach all my blogs, videos and pictures from the main site at TruthBrigade.Com.

Other social network sites that haven't been deleted yet are...








Thank you to everyone who is helping us keep this alive and posting new sites out there to cover for all the deleted ones! It's so great so see another one pop up right after I have been censored again.

Kind of makes me wonder who the heck would try to hard to suppress little old me...???

September 1, I had the pleasure of appearing on Michael Badnarik's Show on We the People Network to talk about the sex trafficking ring in San Diego.



LIsten Here!

Michael is also broadcasting on REAL air waves now in Texas on ktae.net! Whoo hoo! Congrats Michael!!!


Also, the US Constitution Enforcement T Shirts are available now in sizes S-3 XL, along with cammo, black or green hats.

We are also proud to host Randy Weavers book,The Federal Siege At Ruby Ridge: In Our Own Words and the Patriots Noose Poker Playing Cardson our site!

This helps pay our web maintenance fees and all necessary to stay on the air!

Thank you all so much for your donations and support! I look forward to a new chapter in this game of truth and hope you will join us and help spread the word!

Much Love and Blessings to you and your loved ones!

God Bless!


Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

04-29-2008 Jim Stachowiak making more threats against Christie and stalking her!

Evidence that Jim Stachowiak is trying to find Christie and file more false police reports after she left his show because of sexual advances and discovering child pornography! Restraining orders to follow! Let the record show!

Monday, April 28, 2008

04-28-2008 Stalker Alert! Jeff Schwilk is at it again! Get the word out!

Christie just sent this out to everyone involved. Please get the word out that she is being stalked again by Jeff Schwilk! They are sending police to her door and trying to KILL HER. Spread this far and wide!

I really hate to start my week like this, but it is time that everyone knows what has been going on and why I left.
I have been being stalked for over a year by a group led by jeff schwilk (san diego minutemen) of Oceanside, CA.  Many of his group members decided to follow suit when they figured I wouldn't go along with their criminal treasonous program.
In 2007, I was asked to do a radio show with a jim stach of 318 mears street martinez, GA.
He tried to get close to me the way jeff schwilk and others did so when I turned him down and quit the show, I became the object of his obsession as well.
Everyday they would have someone sent to follow me, make false police, cps or other criminal allegations about me, including to my own mother, church, neighbors and work.
They would send police to my door minimum once per week and they would even burn me with their weapons while I was LIVE on camera and on air...

Enough was enough, I had to walk again and make my children safe.
After hundreds of death threats and a 2 mile long paper trail proving that this was of the stalkers doing, the police and city chose to do nothing, of course they had a stake in the game of driving my out of town because I had exposed their criminal actions, like the sex slave ring and others...

So I left my life behind in order to be safe from this harassment again and made special provisions to be sure they would not be able to find me...that is unless they ARE law enforcement and use the system to track me.
This morning, I received another phone call from a friend out of state that warned me jim stach was still trying to track me down so that he could continue "to file false reports about me and have my children taken away to get back at me" for not being part of his program.

I had been quiet about a lot of this for the past year and now I'm going to tell all.  All information with links, videos, pictures and documented news reports can be found on my blogs.

I do have to run for work so here are the threads where you can see what he has been up to the past weekend...

Have a great day and God Bless!




"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.": Gandhi

"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act" George Orwell

Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them Eph 5:11

"...the man who really counts in the world is the doer, not the mere critic-the man who actually does the work, even if roughly and imperfectly, not the man who only talks or writes about how it ought to be done." (1891) Theodore Roosevelt

Great spirits have often encountered violent opposition from weak minds. -- Albert Einstein.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

04-24-2008 - Join Christie in San Diego with Bob Doe

Thursday April 24, 2008 ~ Current Communist Party Activities in San Diego with "Bob Doe"

Bob Doe will be elaborating on the current political situation in Southern CA and how they manipulate and patrol our local government.

Bob Doe is a former communist party member who held the highest ranking.  This is not to be confused with the CPUSA.  Bob Doe traveled the world with those that have been controlling our country and global affairs for the past century.

Check out his last shows to hear about what's going on in South America, and most importantly in Southern CA!  
You can hear the TRUE agenda of the City of San Diego...Mayor Jerry Sanders, Duncan Hunter, Bob Filner, Lansdown, Bonnie Dumanis, Fred Sainz, and more...


Talkcast ID: 11887
Date: Thursday, April 24, 2008
Time: 6:00 PM PST/9:00 PM EST

Call in:
Dial: (724) 444-7444
Enter: 11887 # (Call ID)
Enter: 1 # or your PIN
Join the Granny Warriors'



Do you really think it's okay for the government to force us to drink, eat and ingest through other means poison?  What about the world's most volatile explosive?  Do you like the idea of drinking pigs blood without your knowledge or having aborted fetuses injected directly in to your body?
Print up these 2 fliers with the truth about Fluoride and the dangerous cancer causing immunizations they are now forcing us to take. 
Don't DRINK THE KOOLAID!!!  You have a legal right to say no to these poisons in your body!  Why don't they tell you that?
Try standing out in front of a court house in your area, a mall or vaccination clinic and save some lives!!!

Or click here!
(Download and Share!  What you don't know WILL hurt you!)
Illegal Immigration Debate       Richard Diaz from Illness Defined on the effects of heavy metals       Richard Diaz from Illness Defined on the effects of heavy metals          Paul Davis, Freedom Warrior!          Illegal Immigration: Playing both sides      Martin Hill AV 911 Truth & Freedom Fighter          Susie from Subie Sisters LIVE       TruthBrigade Lives! A homecoming...        "Bob Doe" exposes globalism           Granny Warriors         Armageddon Race Wars with Prophet Yahweh         Nurse Olivia on Natural Healing and the Chemicals in Our Food          Gang Stalking with Gina          Carl McBrayer, the Anti-Christ          CIA murder, mind control and torture with Robert Duncan O'Finioan!          Don't drink the water!          Daneen G. Peterson, Ph.D on NAU          Donna Holman: Jailed for passing out a flyer!            Greg Pounds for Sherriff          Bob Doe Returns to explore World Wide Socialist Movement          Terry Hayfield and the Permanent Revolution and Political Fusion           Lt. Eric Shine Whistleblower          Organized Stalking Victims Speak out LIVE on TBR!          Nurse Olivia: Vaccinations          Medical Industry Expose!          Nurse Olivia on Psychiatry!          CPS Profits from LEGAL child abduction!         Medical Industry Expose!          Organized Stalking and Electromagnetic Weapons          A personal story of CPS corruption          Communist Infiltration in America by Agent X!         Organized Stalking, Andrzej Suda          CourtWatchers          Dean Santoro Candidate for US House of Representatives District 21 Florida          Carl TwoFeathers Whitaker, Gubernatorial Candidate, Tennessee          Thursday, January 17, 2008- Gina From the Edge/Gang Stalking TI's          911 Debate!          Carl TwoFeathers Whitaker, Gubernatorial Candidate, Tennessee          Eric Gallagher, Author of Rainbow Warriors LIVE!          Frosty Wooldridge on TruthBrigade Radio           Wife of a Human Smuggler!          Who Killed JFK on TruthBrigade Radio!          MinuteMom Bares All!          Jay J. Johnson-Castro, Sr. of Freedom Ambassadors         Theodore Terbolizard          Howard Wooldridge and the "War on Drugs!"          The Forbidden History by Dezert Owl!          Nurse Olivia on Psychiatry!          Jay Castro: Freedom Fighter, humanitarian          North American Union with Steve Mason          Robert Duncan O'Finioan          Peace, Politics and Propaganda in the Arab-Israeli conflict.          Jesus Mendoza Speaks about EM Weaponry used against Citizens!          Jeanette of Pacific County Washington          Noe Aleman-Victim of Johnny Sutton (Satan)          Steve Dore RonPaulSongs.Com          Dezert Owl on TruthBrigade Radio!

Join from your computer: (Becoming a member will allow you to text chat LIVE with the guests and listeners!)
We invite you to explore a whole new world...time to take the RED PILL and stop being lied to!  Turn off the TV and open your mind!  The journey has just begun...
No matter what you believe on any single issue, the fact is that our country is dying!
It is time to WAKE UP and work TOGETHER for the good of our NATION!!! 
The knowledge is there now what are you going to do with it???
It is time to stand up and take our country back!!!

"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.": Gandhi
"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act"
George Orwell
Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them Eph 5:11

"And he shall causeth all great and small to receive a number on his hand.
That no man may buy or sell without the mark on his hand or forehead."
"...the man who really counts in the world is the doer, not the mere critic-the man who actually does the work, even if roughly and imperfectly, not the man who only talks or writes about how it ought to be done." (1891)
Theodore Roosevelt
"I have told you all this so that you may find peace in me.  In the world you WILL have trouble, but be brave: I have conquered the world."
John 16:33
"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that.
Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Hate multiplies hate, violence multiplies violence,
and toughness multiplies toughness
in a descending spiral of destruction...
The chain reaction of evil -- hate begetting hate,
wars producing more wars -- must be broken,
or we shall be plunged into the dark abyss of annihilation."
--Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Great spirits have often encountered violent opposition from weak minds.
-- Albert Einstein.
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
Edmund Burke