I am not on trial here; I know who I am and I know what I did and I know that I cannot legally be found guilty as charged. Those who have involved themselves in this child kidnapping under color of law and the effort to cover it up are the ones on trial.

In faith and love, russ dove

Friday, October 10, 2008

10-08-2008 Christie Czajkowski is one of the most fearless humans alive!

Christie Czajkowski is one of the most fearless humans alive! She has the ability to go where few consider and even fewer go. She has an uncanny ability to get to the crux of an issue and return with the Truth. Christie's ability to bring people of all walks of life together is one of her strongest assists in this battle of Freedom!

Christie was forced into acting by the corruption she watched grow around her and now she is currently in an undisclosed location working on the next round of actions she will be taking against those she has exposed and/or are attacking her.
Christie has single handly or through her networking abilities has exposed a child sex ring, the corruption in leadership of most status quo approved activist groups like the Minutemen operation leaders, how the mob controls so many aspects of our lives, that both sides on most social battles are funded by the same people and the list goes on and on and on.

This is one show you will not want to miss if you are interested in knowing more about the Truth as it is in the world you live.

Christie was born in Chula Vista, California, grew up and went to high school there. She was a star athlete, a 4.0 student and excelled in all of the areas she applied herself. The proud mother of two beautiful daughters and a very hard worker, she currently suffers from injuries related to the attacks of those she exposes.