I am not on trial here; I know who I am and I know what I did and I know that I cannot legally be found guilty as charged. Those who have involved themselves in this child kidnapping under color of law and the effort to cover it up are the ones on trial.

In faith and love, russ dove

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

12-24-2008 More threats from Stalker Jim Stachowiak and admission he's filing false reports to harass

Jim Stach aka Jim Stachowiak has been on a rampage filing false reports and copyright claims against Christie.  By his own admission he is working to take her Youtube channel down.

Jim it is our RIGHT to post whatever we want to expose you for trying to rape her and for having child pornography in your possession you sicko! LEAVE CHRISTIE ALONE!


Tuesday, December 23, 2008

12-23-2008 Stalker Jim Stachowiak is an agent provocateur!

Jim Stachowiak is the host of American Resistance Radio. Christie co-hosted his show for a few weeks and Jim has been stalking Christie ever since. He has made false allegations and slanders her all over the internet. Jim is a snake! He made sexual advances towards Christie and she said NO! NO MEANS NO! LEAVE CHRISTIE ALONE YOU SICK PUKE!


See the evidence for yourself!


