Christie, born and raised in Chula Vista, CA is a typical pretty American female, normal most would say for most of her life. Christie excelled in academia and sports; setting many records in the sports she played – many are on display at the San Diego Sports Museum Hall of Champions. An injury in college ended her sports career and her pursuit of a higher education in the college system. She went on to what would have been a successful career in Hollywood as a model/actress until she found the corruption and filth there unlivable.
Christie left the Southern California area to raise a family and pursue her natural talent to cook and bake. Christie has owned her own and managed others restaurant/deli/bakery businesses and trust me if you ever get to taste Christie’s culinary delights you will know why she was so successful in her efforts.
Personal issues forced Christie to move back to her home town where the once beautiful multi-culture community she grew up in had become a hate filled corrupt war zone, she became politically active and fell victim to those who profit by keeping secrets from you and stealing your money to pay for their charade.
On the face of it all, Christie is no different then any of us; she has done the best she could with whatever life has thrown at her – just as most of the rest of us do. Excelling in some areas and struggling in others; but upon a closer look we see that, well Christie’s life has been anything but normal.
Spawned from a century’s long generational breeding program, run by what we know as the Illuminati, to cultivate natural human abilities intended for use in their plans to rule the world. Christie was truly special, she had the ability to see things and affect the physical world in ways others could not. As Christie grew the tasks they ask her to complete grew more complex and one day Christie said no.
From that time until just a few years ago, Christie’s life had been high jacked by those who created her and every effort was made to keep her down, sick and off balance, they feared her ever coming to a full understanding of just who she was.
Join us five nights a week at 8 PM CST as Christie brings you TruthBrigade Radio live on the American Freedom Radio Network and hear why the enemies of freedom have reason to fear that this Natural Lady is on her way to understanding the fullness of who she is and gain a greater understanding of who and what you are when you do.