Please help me re-post this all over Facebook. We need to get the word out that Christie needs help!
The Host of Truth Brigade radio was doing her show when she hear a knock at the door. She was confronted by a Police Officer and CPS worker. Someone maybe a disgruntle neighbor turned her into CPS.
The Police Officer thinking he was in Nazi Germany fail to produce a arrest warrant. Christie order them off her property and said she was going back to do her radio show. The Police officer tackle her and arrested her for resisting arrest.
You see the Police Officer must be part of the new crime division of thought crime. He hear Christie had firearms and Oh My God she believed in the 2 nd Amendment and the Radical right wing document called the U.S. Constitution. She was dangerous this was in fact in the State of Missouri where the now famous MIAC (Missouri Information Analysis Center) report was exposed last year. If you are not familiar with this document you can read about it here. Yes Militias, Survival training, gun owners, Abortionist, Ron Paul Supporters, Chuck Baldwin supporters, on and on of course the normal liberal twisting of the truth Neo Nazi toss in to make us all look bad.
I first met Christie at Ron Paul Freedom Festival in Sturgis South Dakota. Let see I must be a right wing extremist right. I guess I am now according to the MIAC report. I am pro Second Amendment, Good guess Ron Paul supporter, I teach Wilderness survival, and I receive Chuck Baldwin email newsletters. For 5 days we talk to with Christie played with her 2 wonderful children. I have been around abused children before this children showed no sign of abuse. They ran around playing with the other kids. The hug and kiss on their mother they ask permission to do things they help out her Mother.
No reason for CPS to get involved and I am not familiar with Missisiour state law but don't you need proof first before you arrest someone. Isn't there this detail called an arrested warrant. In Missouri do the Police don't have to investigate and just arrest people on thought crimes I am confused?
They first set Christie Bail at $50,000.00 a single Mother of 2 might as well been 50 million dollars. But it appears the at least one Judge in the state actually believe in Law reduce her bail to $10,000.00 of which 10% was needed in cash. or $1,000 dollars. If you go to this link on the left hand side you well see a chip in for Christies Defense fund. Please donated what you can even $5 is helpful in this time of crisis for her.
I email her early today and ask for an outdate. She wrote this back
Right now the way to help is prayers, character references for those who actually know us, legal assistance and LOVE.