I am not on trial here; I know who I am and I know what I did and I know that I cannot legally be found guilty as charged. Those who have involved themselves in this child kidnapping under color of law and the effort to cover it up are the ones on trial.

In faith and love, russ dove

Friday, June 4, 2010

06-04-2010 Family court Update from Christie

UPDATE 06/04/2010

Family court today...Judge James K Justus presiding over this review, Taney County, Mo.  Court was moved from 9 AM, to 11 AM to which we waited until almost 2 to start.  We were kicked out at about 3:35.

The social worker recommends my children remain in their care.  The GAL recommends they remain in their care.  They psychologist recommend they be sent home to me where they belong, which is of course what I also recommended.  The attorney for my ex husband, abuser who left me for a man and abandoned us, Mr Norad who is working with my father, Mr ONI is requesting custody of both MY children.  Thom's lawyer is going to file to request that at least Amberly gets sent to him rather than foster care.  
I want this to be known, Thom would never try to take the children away from me, but he does want to start to build a relationship with her which I think is great and sincere, to which I approve.  I like Thom, he is not a stalker or government agent, nor has ever been.  However, based on the scenario, he does not have a snowballs chance in hell as he has been absent since Amberly was 1 and has taken zero interest in her life to date.  He did however raise Samantha the first few years of her life and knows Samantha much more than James, as she has only been with him once in 2007 which was their first visit together at 10 years old, his first attempt at wanting to build a relationship with his daughter.  After that visit he disappeared from the scene again, breaking our hearts again, showing us he was not sincere in his "efforts" as he did not continue a relationship with her, would go years at a time with out even an email of acknowledgment.  

Since the case worker who lied on the stand and in her report did not schedule any more visits with me and my children, based on the fact that she was waiting for the judge to decide about visitation, I was hoping the judge would come to some type of ruling today.  That did not happen.  The only "order" that came out of it was that I do not post any more pictures of my children from April 12, the day they kidnapped them to present.  I informed him that I have distributed the evidence to many people throughout the country and that I'm not the only one with these photos and documents and asked him if I was responsible for what other people posted and he said no.
I then asked if he was worried about public opinion being that it's obvious my children have declined in healthy, vibrancy and psychologically.  When asked why I would have photos of my babies online, he was informed that we are public figures and that there are 5000 plus photos of us on the internet documenting our life, our gardening, teaching others to do so, how to heal and traveling frequently to meet with many people in our sphere of influence (who has become their family) and that it was normal to share our photos on facebook.  

The judge was so overwhelmed that he needed to take another break to review the "evidence" before he comes to a decision and asked us to look for it in the mail...no time frame given.
No visits scheduled with my children and they have not received ANY of their mail since they told us we could send them mail.  She said it was all opened in a box.  I have also heard others were returned.

There is so much I want to share about the court itself and what I experienced, but I'm afraid I don't have time to write a book right now and may schedule an interview this weekend, to get it all out there or record myself speaking about it.

I was able to questions the "witnesses" and it was obvious they were lying.  I'm positive the judge saw that several times as he chastised those who wanted to object to every word I spoke and those that refused to answer my questions.  Although there were a few that he said they did not have to answer, which lead to me asking about this preponderance of evidence they claim to have.  It was clear they have none and the judge claimed the "evidence" for this case was the testimony of those under oath.  Well, then why were they not required to answer my questions.  He said it was a constitutional court and he said I have a right to a fair trial...

Since he established that the evidence being used in his determination was oral testimony of those under oath on the stand, I asked if I was allowed to testify.  He gave me the go ahead, but surprise, surprise, they didn't have any questions for me, other than softballs like, "What is your oldest daughters name?"  and "Did you call your daughters mean names?"  I did ask a few times if I could elaborate on the few questions and they gave me permission to do so, meaning that my "evidence" as the judge claimed testimony would be would be entered in to the court.

They did admit on stand that there was no physical evidence of their report they received and ion fact they didn't even know when these allegations could have occurred, they didn't know the date or even approximate date, or even the time of the call or calls, even though I had the report right there in my hand.
They also admitted that I did not tie my children up, that I never ordered anyone to do so and that my children had a clean bill of health, no bruises, no signs of physical or emotional abuse, and had come to my house based on the words of the Bayer family who also had no evidence of these occurrences.  

It was also interesting that the initial report which I got from the court written by the social worker who kidnapped my children, Emily Nichols not only completely contradicted what she said in court today, but she also refused to acknowledge that she wrote it!
They were shaking in their boots...

Interesting that I'm being charged with 5 felonies based on these lies that even the social workers testified DID NOT HAPPEN!  LOL  Hmmm.....so why did they report this in the news and even give statements to the news while the SPLC was doing their hit piece on me?  I thought I was some big dangerous racist child abuser???

So, their evidence shows I am not, their reports show I am clearly a loving and doting mother and have seen no sings of abuse or neglect, yet they still recommend they stay in their care???

I wonder how long they can keep up this charade?

Will post later about when I talk about this publicly, but I do promise it will be this weekend.  Since I'm not allowed to post any more photos of my babies on the internet, I have not been told I do not have a voice.  That being said, I am woman, hear me roar!

It is so ordered...

Thank you for your love and support!

Blessings and Love,


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: TruthBrigade.Com <truthbrigaderadio@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, Jun 4, 2010 at 12:52 PM
Subject: still at court

Just a quick update, ran over to the library for a minute while waiting for the judge.  James, Samantha's dad and Thom, Amberly's dad are both here.  I do not see my "father" yet.  They are making us wait for the end of the day, so who knows how long we will be.
James and my father are trying to get full custody of both my children.  The one he abandoned and the one he never acknowledged.  Thom is willing to do whatever he can to make sure that doesn't happen.  He will not try to take my children away from me, but if necessary will try to get custody until all this is worked out.
The psychologist in his report said the children should be home with me, but the social workers, even though I have complied with their service plan and had positive things to say about our relationship are recommending they stay in states custody and that their plan is to reunify the children with 'a' parent.  According to the info I received, James, Mr Norad is the parent they have in mind...

It is clear they have no intention on returning my children to me and at this point all that can help are prayers.  Send some loving energy to Taney County Courthouse in Missouri while I am here, please.

Don't have anything to report yet, but I will let you know when I get home.  I just didn't want anyone to worry about me not being home yet.

Could be a few more hours...

Will update when I return.

Blessings and Love,

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