I am not on trial here; I know who I am and I know what I did and I know that I cannot legally be found guilty as charged. Those who have involved themselves in this child kidnapping under color of law and the effort to cover it up are the ones on trial.

In faith and love, russ dove

Thursday, March 12, 2015

03-12-2015 Christie is being held against her will

Please support Christie. She is being held against her will in the psychiatric ward due to a brain infection.


I am russ dove, a longtime friend of Christie Aphrodite Czajkowski and am asking you to help her through a time of crisis in her life. 

I have been searching for the truth/Truth for going on 52 years now and 8 years ago I hooked up with Christie as the point man, while I followed, you see because of my outrageous stands against the invasion from the south I had burned all bridges with the people holding positons that were left leaning and we all had to talk together because we all share a common enemy. There is so much I could say in support of Christie, but my reason for writing this is because Christie is in real trouble and will die without our support. Without medical attention Natures or mans she will die, given that fact and that she is and has been in constant extreme pain with little sleep for a month now she is considering taking her own life, given the circumstances it couldn’t even be held against her if she did on the spirit side – that is not what she wants, but what choice does she have.

When I listen to her, I feel like I hear Christie saying I see the world for what it really is and I want no part of it. I am in agreement with her and asking you to show Christie that truth/Truth does have value and that all of the hard work she has done in this last 8 years exposing the lies and sharing the truth/Truth has lasting value. Choose to act in support of a courageous warrior, in this battle to discover the Truth and come out of the lie, who is injured. This is real folks Christie did nothing to bring this on herself but to stand up for the truth/Truth and say no I won't live in your deceit. She is one of the strongest spirits I know; has healed herself many times and assisted in the healing of many others directly and indirectly through her spirit/Spirt and Natures Remedies - even in her current situation it is because of her Strong Spirit and her knowledge and application of Natural Medicine that she is still alive, her injury has been fatal to others.

The paid stalkers in their slanderous disinformation whisper campaigns, phone calls and internet pages removed her ability to have a job, fact. Now a Brown Recluse spider bit poison has crossed the blood brain barrier and she is suffering from that poisons effects in tremendous pain removing her ability to garden, internet radio shows, video creation and consultations – she has no means or ability to support herself. We have all the faith in the world that with support and time she will recover due to a Strong Spirt and the Healing that God’s Creation, Nature, brings.

I don't want to lose the presence of Christie in this world, but I get it and hold no debt against her should she depart the flesh. I have been truly blessed in being around her these last eight years and that I have had the opportunity to do for her what I have done, again more blessings. I cry from my heart for all who have ears, we can't lose this one.

What do I get out of this and why am I doing it? Because I want us all to have an opportunity to see the Truth, it is Self-Evident, both within and without. Why is Christie so important to me? Because if she had not been willing to do what she has done, I would not be here I would not have been allowed to get the places that Christie did and would not have come to know what I know, period. I also know that Christie has so much more that she has yet to share that will even make the picture of the world that I now see clearer. 

Please consider adding your support to her survival, she has so much to offer those in need it would be truly tragic to lose her and the knowledge she has gained in her work, I can back up my claims with documented evidence and there is so much more to this story, but I feel I have used to much space already.

You can see her work in the following links:


This is my work in support of my request:


 http://truthbrigade.com/TIA/ (this is just a shell, a record of the work I have all of the data on HD or DVD)


Thank you for taking the time to read this and for your consideration of my request, may you be a blessed and be a blessing,

russ dove

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