I am not on trial here; I know who I am and I know what I did and I know that I cannot legally be found guilty as charged. Those who have involved themselves in this child kidnapping under color of law and the effort to cover it up are the ones on trial.

In faith and love, russ dove

Sunday, February 22, 2009

02-22-2009 Eric Gallagher Exposed as a STALKER!

From Christie: 

Kiss my ass Eric, this is going on daily, not 10 years ago.

You refuse to see the truth and the only time I have encountered that is when speaking with one of them.
You have proven yourself untrustworthy which is the worst offense anyone can make.

If you had any respect for women, you would have listened to what I said from day one, not recreated your own "agreement."

On Sat, Feb 21, 2009 at 9:33 PM, Eric Gallagher <ericgallagher@earthlink.net> wrote:
Yes, I did say all of that.
Granted, I was kind of pissed off and put off when I wrote it, because it was shortly after our conversation Thursday night where you basically repeatedly and rudely put me down, and then tried to play me like a fool and convince me to do the show some other way than how we agreed to do it two weeks prior.
Everything that is contained in there is what I have said already, and that I have told you that I said already, and there is nothing there about me saying that you were going to kidnap him, or attack him with chemical weapons, or anything else.
Honestly, I think you said the things you said to me that Thursday night, because you didn't want to do a show with me anymore.
We had an agreement to do a show one way, and you decided that you didn't want to honor that agreement.
All you had to do is say so.
Instead you choose to basically berate, belittle, and insult me.
After the way you choose to handle things, in going back off of your decision to do a show with me, in the manner that we agreed to do so, honestly, you have a lot of nerve to call me a backstabber because I had something other than kind words for you immediately after you did what you did.
I wish to emphisise that all of what was contained in the message were things that I not only told you that I said to him, but they were also things that I have told you, over and over.
Either you want to devote yourself to fighting Jim, or you want to devote yourself to a higher purpose.
I do not like Jim, but I have to tell you that through having dialouge with him, I was able to get him to stop, perhaps temporarily, the technical interference.
However, I could not sell you on the concept of setting your sights higher than on Jim.
Even if you are right about all of which you say about Jim, if you were ever to take him out of the equation, he would be replaced by someone else, so what is the point.
I tried to leave off things amicibly with you, but for whatever reason, you do not want that, and that is really sad.
We just disagee on how to do a radio show.
Not everyone that you have a disagreement is a Fed, and I am not sure you understand it.
You should go back and listen to your show from the cancer Dr. on Monday, or better yet, actually read one of his books.
One of his central points is that the human body, the mind which is a part of, is tremendously resilliant.
Anyone can heal themselves if they make it a priority, and give it time.
You have been through severe emotional and phychologiacal tramua.
The governemt actually studdies how to do this to people so they can do it more efficently.
Your mind is broken, they broke it, that is just them doing what they do.
Because you refuse to admit defeat, instead of healing yourself, you keep choosing to relive the tramua.
I have been there, my experences are just 10 more years removed.
Until you close book on what happened, and choose to start over, you can never first heal yourself, and recreate yourself anew.
It is my advice that you take 365 days off to devote yourself to yourself.
The world will be there waiting for you when you are done.
If you can do that, you will be more effective in what you do.
If you cannot do that, you will eventually discover that you are ineffective at what you do, and will continue to be so, until you have the strength to embrace your defeat, and recreate yourself again.
I wish you great luck, I really do.
Think about what I am telling you.
This decision represents a critical crossroads in life for you and your children.
Be patient, and carefully consider everything, then choose wisely.
It is the hard road, that when taken,  is the path to victory.
The most gratifying things in life cannot be had immediately.
Good luck and goodbye.
Eric Gallagher
-----Original Message-----
From: "TruthBrigade.Com"
Sent: Feb 21, 2009 8:40 PM
To: Eric Gallagher
Subject: thanks eric

Nice to meet another backstabber...


Wednesday, February 18, 2009

2-18-2009 A message to child pornographer, abuser, and rapist Jeff Schwilk from Christie

What are you threatening me with now bikini boy?

Do you really think I care at all about your power trip and need to control every move I make?  One would have thought you'd have given up years ago...at least a smart man would have.

Who are you to speak of lies when you know damn well every word I have said is true?
You who accuse me of being a child abuser, pornographer, prostitute, thief and whatever else your dirty mouth could spew, in order to defame me now wants to impose more restrictions on what I'm allowed to say about you?!?!?!  LMAO  I wil always post the truth and your threats mean nothing to me...other than good comic relief and more to send to the authorities to prove you have stalked me for over 2 years now.

You know, things like this make me want to come back to San Diego...just to make sure they prosecute you for all your crimes...and you might think you can get away with it just because you're a low level provocateur, but trust me, they are TIRED OF YOU!

How's your zoloft and bud treating you anyway...think it's time for a change???

You know I have proof of everything I have ever said about you and you also should know I have been  very nice, despite the trouble you caused and your sickening displays of chauvinist violence, anger and hate.  If you had more than one brain cell to think with, you would have backed off long ago and at least pretended to be the man you think you are.

FYI...Men don't beat women, they don't threaten, stalk, slander and harass them for years, they don't file false reports about them, try to censor them by taking down their videos which is an expression of free speech...something you say you fight for...nor do they try to control them, call their family and associates to attempt to harm their personal lives.

Jeff Schwilk, you are the biggest liar of them all!  How dare you point fingers and threaten me with more of your lies?  What are you trying to save face for?  Must be driving you crazy that no credible person takes you seriously anymore, and when I decide to take time out of my precious day to give them another dose of truth, you will run like the little coward you are....just like you did when you tried to run away from being served with a response to your lies.
I loved those judges...they certainly saw right through you and all the games you played.  It was fun looking at your beat red face too.  A memory I will never forget...you should be ashamed of yourself!  You shoud be in prison for all the felonies you commited in filing false reports and LYING to judges!  

You know I have much more evidence of your criminal actions than I have already posted...you should really think about that before you start on me again.

If anyone should be making demands, it is me, demanding that you take down your malicious criminal slander about me which you have used in a manner to harm myself, my family and business and personal relationships.
Go take your little dose of drugs and scheme some more about how you can "destroy my life" (in your own words).

I am please to hear you want to harm me again.  Each time you try to slander me, ten more people pop up to assist.  Haven't you learned that everytime you try to hurt me, you only hurt yourself?
I feel very sorry for you.  After all this time, you still have nothing better to do than follow me around...
I will pray for you...and send you a mirror.

You might even try looking in it one of these days...the truth shall set you free!

Be a man and face it!
