I am not on trial here; I know who I am and I know what I did and I know that I cannot legally be found guilty as charged. Those who have involved themselves in this child kidnapping under color of law and the effort to cover it up are the ones on trial.

In faith and love, russ dove

Monday, December 21, 2009

12-21-2009 Counter Notices to Jim Stachowiak's false copyright claims in his stalking campaign against Christie

Okay, let's try this again.  Thank you!

Counter Notice:

1 The site that has been disabled is www.youtube.com/TruthBrigadeLives
Jim Stachowiak files more false reports to CPS!

"Freedom Fighter" Hates Mexicans and Jesus!




I believe there are at least two other videos he filed a false complaint on as well, which I don't have the

links for since my entire site disappeared.
3 I consent to the jurisdiction of Federal District Court for the judicial district in which my address is located, and I
 will accept service of process from the person who provided notification under subsection (c)(1)(C) or an agent of such person.
4 I swear, under penalty of perjury, that I have good faith belief that the material was removed or disabled as a
 result of a mistake or misidentification of the material to be removed or disabled.
More appropriately, the material removed was the material asked to be removed but was not a copyright
 infringement.  (The person filing copyright claims against me and my work is solely a method of harassment 
in an effort to cover up the public tracks of their own crimes against me and others since he is on probation fo
r various other crimes he has committed.  They know that they can file FALSE claims to remove my site 
specifically and only to harass and intimidate.)
I would ask that users who use this method of harassment be suspended for their repeat fraudulent
 activities based on malicious intent and have already filed harassment complaints against the user which is being investigated at this time.

5 Christie Czajkowski

On Tue, Jan 20, 2009 at 7:46 PM, Copyright Service <copyright@youtube.com> wrote:
Dear Christie,

We haven't been able to process your request with the information you have

provided us.  Details of the claims against your account are listed below.

Jim Stachowiak files more false reports to CPS!


"Freedom Fighter" Hates Mexicans and Jesus!




If you're trying to file an objection to a copyright takedown, please

carefully read and follow the instructions below. Please be aware that any
counternotice we receive will be forwarded to the party who issued the
takedown notice; hence, your identity will be revealed. Also, before
deciding to send a counternotice please be sure you understand that you
can be held liable in court for a false counternotice.

A formal objection must include the specific elements listed below.

1. Identify the specific URLs of material that YouTube has removed or to

which YouTube has disabled access.

2. Provide your full name, address, telephone number, and email address,

and the username of your YouTube account.

3. Provide a statement that you consent to the jurisdiction of Federal

District Court for the judicial district in which your address is located
(or San Francisco County, California if your address is outside of the
United States), and that you will accept service of process from the
person who provided notification under subsection (c)(1)(C) or an agent of
such person.

4. Include the following statement: "I swear, under penalty of perjury,

that I have a good faith belief that each search result or message
identified above was removed or disabled as a result of a mistake or
misidentification of the material to be removed or disabled."
5. Attach a scanned physical signature or a valid electronic signature.



The YouTube Team

Original Message Follows:

From: "TruthBrigade.Com" <truthbrigaderadio@gmail.com>
Subject: copyright counter notification
Date: Wed, 14 Jan 2009 14:00:00 -0600
> Counter Notice:
> 1 The site that has been disabled is www.youtube.com/TruthBrigadeLives
> 2 Christie Czajkowski
>    PO Box 5842
>    Austin, TX 78763
> 3 I will gladly accept service from the person who provided youtube with
> original copyright complaint or an authorized agent of such person.
> 4 I have good faith belief that the material was removed or disabled as
> result of a mistake or misidentification of the material to be removed
> disabled.  (The person filing copyright claims against me and my work is
> solely a method of harassment in an effort to cover up the track of
> own crimes against me and others.)
> 5 Christie Czajkowski
> ____________________________________________________________
> It appears that my site has been disabled here, so I would like to
> if this is because of the FALSE copyright claims?
> I have been harassed her for over a year by James Stachowiak and Jeff
> Schwilk who have caused my life harm and learned that they could
continue to
> harass me further online by filing false claims against my videos for
> copyright.
> I want to make clear ALL of my videos contain My video or audio from my
> show.  They do not infringe on ANYONE'S copyright.  They are using this
> claim because it is successful with youtube since youtube obviously does
> do any investigation , nor ask questions of the video in question.
> Why would youtube allow people to harass others in this manner?  Can I
> copyright claims against anyone I don't like for fun?
> You tube is a great place to post and share videos, but I don't
> why youtube consistently takes the word of a liar and abusive stalker
who is
> violating your guidelines with their behaviors only to set my life back.
> has been reported to the authorities on more than one occasion for his
> threatening abusive behavior and is in court today as a matter of fact
> another attack.
> I request that you look in to the copyright claim and ask the
complainant to
> show you exactly what copyright was infringed.  Being a public figure
> Jeff Schwilk and James Stachowiak are, there will be pictures accessible
> online, as they post and use pictures of my online.  That is NOT a
> infringement.
> Can you tell me why you don't look in to these things better?
> I would like to know where my site is and request that it be reinstated
> immediately.
> A better look at what you are doing will show that you are wrong by
> my videos down based on false complaints.
> I would suggest you look in to these flase complaints next time before
> infringe on my or anyone elses rights next time.  It appears there might
> people in colusion with these thugs working at youtube since I being the
> victim is the one that always gets deleted?  Something is not right and
> would like to get to the bottom of it.
> I have read the copyright counter claim notice and fully intend to
> to the max with this fasle claim.  I dare this liar to sue me and IO
> you to look in to how many fasle claims my account has received from
> party.  How can someone claim copyright on a radio show or on their
> This is not the first time they have done this to me so I request that
> look in to THEIR abuse of the system and disable the appropriate
> not to mention the way they have used your system to threaten all of my
> youtube friends who watch my videos.
> This is several bullying and cyber stalking that has spilled over into
> personal life.  That is who you need to be deleting.  I'm just a victim
> this stalker!
> Thank you!
> Christie
> Dear Member:
> This is to notify you that we have removed or disabled access to the
> following material as a result of a third-party notification by james
> Stachowiak/freedom fighter radio claiming that this material is
> *Georgia Guidestones Vandalized by Anonymous Patriot?:*
> *Please Note:* Repeat incidents of copyright infringement will result in
> deletion of your account and all videos uploaded to that account. In
> to prevent this from happening, please delete any videos to which you do
> own the rights, and refrain from uploading additional videos that
> on the copyrights of others. For more information about YouTube's
> policy, please read the *Copyright
> * guide.
> If you elect to send us a counter notice, please go to our Help
> access the instructions.
> Please note that under Section 512(f) of the Copyright Act, any person
> knowingly materially misrepresents that material or activity was removed
> disabled by mistake or misidentification may be subject to liability.
> Sincerely,
> YouTube, Inc.
> --
> "First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you,
> you win.": Gandhi
> "In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a
> act" George Orwell
> Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose
> Eph 5:11
> "...the man who really counts in the world is the doer, not the mere
> critic-the man who actually does the work, even if roughly and
> not the man who only talks or writes about how it ought to be done."
> Theodore Roosevelt
> Great spirits have often encountered violent opposition from weak minds.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

09-22-2009 Modifilan cures cancer - Get it from Christie!

Just waking up to the reality that your body is toxic, your immune system is faltering and the doctor just told you that they need to do more tests, you may have cancer. All of the above may not be happening to you, but most live in a toxic environment, immune systems are low and the cancer rate is growing.

Nature provides all that we need and a very powerful product of nature is modifilan. Modifilan is taken from green sea weed and is a very rich food source. Not only is it rich in the necessary nutrients, vitamins and minerals our body needs to be healthy; it detoxifies the body, boosts the immune system and cures cancer.

That’s right, CURES CANCER! Natural ingredients selectively kill cancer cells and inhibit the growth of the fibrous tumor cells that support the cancer cells; together they will kill the cancer in your body and increase your health over all at the same time.

To learn more about Modifilan please visit http://TruthBrigade.com/modifilan/

Sunday, September 13, 2009

09-13-2009 Christie's new bio

Having excelled at ever endeavor she has set her spirit to; sports, baking, cooking, managing, raising 2 very independent daughters and the list goes on, it is no surprise that Christie Czajkowski has risen to the top of the internet radio talk show circuit in such a short period of time. Nor, is it surprising, for the same reasons, that Christie is pioneering many new methods of successful resistance since being forced into activism in 2005.

It is no surprise that she was disabled in 2007 for her fearless in your face camera work that in less then a year exposed the veins of corruption facilitating the invasion into this country from the south through the Greater San Diego/Southern California Area, this same corruption plagues the nation. In 2007-2008 Christie was the most censored woman in America over the work she posted from 2006-2007, with 9 YouTube Channels summarily removed without comment and all main stream media channels locked her out.

That on her path to recovery from the debilitating attack Christie discovered some powerful natural tools and is so thankful for the opportunity to share them with the world today; as a part of efforts to increase the quality of living for all; isn’t surprising either.

What is surprising is the part of her life that has been discovered since she took to the airwaves in 2007. Christie learned that she is the product of a generational breeding program designed to create mind-controlled super-humans as a means of total world surveillance and domination, that her father took a willing part in. She learned that her grandfather was a scientist from Nazi Germany, recruited to work for the U.S. government after WWII through Operation Paperclip.

Christie’s natural ability to see the bigger picture, hear what is being said between the lines, to bring people together from all sides and to demand that all sides be heard; set her apart from the status quo. You can count on a learning experience every time you listen to a show, whither live or from the archives.

Monday, August 17, 2009

08-17-2009 Christie is BACK!

Hi all!  Just wanted to send out an update and apologize for the disappearing act.  I had been trying to get by on my last computer after being hacked last month while a new one was in the orderring process, thanks to some very kind neighbors who helped me pay for it.  My computer completely died before the new one was completed.
It appears the person I ordered the computer from has never worked with so called advanced and new parts they thought would work for me so I brought the computer home to no sound, among other mysterious problems and driver issues.
Good news is that I am on the internet now, I just can't hear, headset, office and adobe won't work, and I'm locked out of my skype phone since I couldn't remember my password, despite this is a paid version and it is my home phone...blah blah blah...
So, I apologize for all delays, missed emails and phone calls the past week and a half .
Please bear with me while we are doing everything we can 24-7 to work out all the kinks. 
All shows we missed will be rescheduled ASAP and for those emails I missed of importance, please resend.  I have to admit I cannot even attempt to go through these almost 6000 unread messages and I apologize for that too.
I have also decided to CHANGE MY EMAIL ADDRESS since I'm getting at least 100 spam message per day.
My new email address is TruthBrigade@centurytel.net
My temporary skype name for chatting is TruthBrigade777........if you have my phone number, please be advised IT DOES NOT WORK till I can solve these issues here.
Thank you for patience!  I miss you all, miss the show, the forum and can't wait to send out an email of good news that we are back on the air at http://americanfreedomradio.com

Monday, July 27, 2009

07-27-2009 Listen to Christie on American Freedom Radio

Christie, born and raised in Chula Vista, CA is a typical pretty American female, normal most would say for most of her life. Christie excelled in academia and sports; setting many records in the sports she played – many are on display at the San Diego Sports Museum Hall of Champions. An injury in college ended her sports career and her pursuit of a higher education in the college system. She went on to what would have been a successful career in Hollywood as a model/actress until she found the corruption and filth there unlivable.

Christie left the Southern California area to raise a family and pursue her natural talent to cook and bake. Christie has owned her own and managed others restaurant/deli/bakery businesses and trust me if you ever get to taste Christie’s culinary delights you will know why she was so successful in her efforts.

Personal issues forced Christie to move back to her home town where the once beautiful multi-culture community she grew up in had become a hate filled corrupt war zone, she became politically active and fell victim to those who profit by keeping secrets from you and stealing your money to pay for their charade. 

On the face of it all, Christie is no different then any of us; she has done the best she could with whatever life has thrown at her – just as most of the rest of us do. Excelling in some areas and struggling in others; but upon a closer look we see that, well Christie’s life has been anything but normal.

Spawned from a century’s long generational breeding program, run by what we know as the Illuminati, to cultivate natural human abilities intended for use in their plans to rule the world. Christie was truly special, she had the ability to see things and affect the physical world in ways others could not. As Christie grew the tasks they ask her to complete grew more complex and one day Christie said no.

From that time until just a few years ago, Christie’s life had been high jacked by those who created her and every effort was made to keep her down, sick and off balance, they feared her ever coming to a full understanding of just who she was.

Join us five nights a week at 8 PM CST as Christie brings you TruthBrigade Radio live on the American Freedom Radio Network and hear why the enemies of freedom have reason to fear that this Natural Lady is on her way to understanding the fullness of who she is and gain a greater understanding of who and what you are when you do.

Monday, June 8, 2009

06-08-2009 Stalkers Jim Stachowiak and Jeff Schwilk steal Christie's domains and redirect them to slander sites

The stalkers hacked our main site TruthBrigade.Com!  But this is not the first person he has done this to...  He has stolen 3 of my domain names to redirect to slander and has done this to at least a dozen other people.

Here is a partial list of those attacked by the same person in this manner...http://truthbrigade.org/smf/index.php/topic,2601.msg4899.html#msg4899
So, until this is resolved, we will not be having the chat during our show at our site...so we will be using talkshoe for the text chat.
You can get there by going to http://www.talkshoe.com/tc/11887 during the show time.  Although I wouldn't listen to the show from there as it is only the stream.
Please listen from http://americanfreedomradio.com/listen_live.html
Show info is still the same and the calender can be found here...http://truthbrigade.org/smf/index.php?action=calendar
Tonights show:Targeted Individuals and Mass Murders with Cathy A. Meadows, MA., Clinical Psych
I will let you know when the site is back up again.
Thank you for your patience and understanding...

Monday, May 18, 2009

05-18-2009 Christie interviews Cathy A Meadows about the profile of her stalkers

Just wanted to let you know that we will be speaking with a clinical psych who specializes in sociopathy/psychopathy tonight.
Targeted Individuals and Mass Murders with Cathy A. Meadows, MA., Clinical Psych

She will be analyzing some of our favorite stalkers who claim to be "leaders" in the so called patriot movement, who have also claimed that their targets are delusional and psychotic...which of course is used to justify their behavior and abuse.

If you are receiving this email, I'm sure you can guess who these people are, so if you know anyone who wants a professional opinion on what these people are doing and what is behind it....tonight is the night to listen and share with anyone you know who might be involved with these people.


Friday, April 24, 2009

04-24-09 A message to Christie's stalker Jeff Schwilk from the Minute Men

Christie exposed the Minute Men for money laundering, child pornography, drug dealing, and stalking. Now the Minute Men are after Jeff Schwilk.  I was forwarded this e-mail today.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

02-22-2009 Eric Gallagher Exposed as a STALKER!

From Christie: 

Kiss my ass Eric, this is going on daily, not 10 years ago.

You refuse to see the truth and the only time I have encountered that is when speaking with one of them.
You have proven yourself untrustworthy which is the worst offense anyone can make.

If you had any respect for women, you would have listened to what I said from day one, not recreated your own "agreement."

On Sat, Feb 21, 2009 at 9:33 PM, Eric Gallagher <ericgallagher@earthlink.net> wrote:
Yes, I did say all of that.
Granted, I was kind of pissed off and put off when I wrote it, because it was shortly after our conversation Thursday night where you basically repeatedly and rudely put me down, and then tried to play me like a fool and convince me to do the show some other way than how we agreed to do it two weeks prior.
Everything that is contained in there is what I have said already, and that I have told you that I said already, and there is nothing there about me saying that you were going to kidnap him, or attack him with chemical weapons, or anything else.
Honestly, I think you said the things you said to me that Thursday night, because you didn't want to do a show with me anymore.
We had an agreement to do a show one way, and you decided that you didn't want to honor that agreement.
All you had to do is say so.
Instead you choose to basically berate, belittle, and insult me.
After the way you choose to handle things, in going back off of your decision to do a show with me, in the manner that we agreed to do so, honestly, you have a lot of nerve to call me a backstabber because I had something other than kind words for you immediately after you did what you did.
I wish to emphisise that all of what was contained in the message were things that I not only told you that I said to him, but they were also things that I have told you, over and over.
Either you want to devote yourself to fighting Jim, or you want to devote yourself to a higher purpose.
I do not like Jim, but I have to tell you that through having dialouge with him, I was able to get him to stop, perhaps temporarily, the technical interference.
However, I could not sell you on the concept of setting your sights higher than on Jim.
Even if you are right about all of which you say about Jim, if you were ever to take him out of the equation, he would be replaced by someone else, so what is the point.
I tried to leave off things amicibly with you, but for whatever reason, you do not want that, and that is really sad.
We just disagee on how to do a radio show.
Not everyone that you have a disagreement is a Fed, and I am not sure you understand it.
You should go back and listen to your show from the cancer Dr. on Monday, or better yet, actually read one of his books.
One of his central points is that the human body, the mind which is a part of, is tremendously resilliant.
Anyone can heal themselves if they make it a priority, and give it time.
You have been through severe emotional and phychologiacal tramua.
The governemt actually studdies how to do this to people so they can do it more efficently.
Your mind is broken, they broke it, that is just them doing what they do.
Because you refuse to admit defeat, instead of healing yourself, you keep choosing to relive the tramua.
I have been there, my experences are just 10 more years removed.
Until you close book on what happened, and choose to start over, you can never first heal yourself, and recreate yourself anew.
It is my advice that you take 365 days off to devote yourself to yourself.
The world will be there waiting for you when you are done.
If you can do that, you will be more effective in what you do.
If you cannot do that, you will eventually discover that you are ineffective at what you do, and will continue to be so, until you have the strength to embrace your defeat, and recreate yourself again.
I wish you great luck, I really do.
Think about what I am telling you.
This decision represents a critical crossroads in life for you and your children.
Be patient, and carefully consider everything, then choose wisely.
It is the hard road, that when taken,  is the path to victory.
The most gratifying things in life cannot be had immediately.
Good luck and goodbye.
Eric Gallagher
-----Original Message-----
From: "TruthBrigade.Com"
Sent: Feb 21, 2009 8:40 PM
To: Eric Gallagher
Subject: thanks eric

Nice to meet another backstabber...


Wednesday, February 18, 2009

2-18-2009 A message to child pornographer, abuser, and rapist Jeff Schwilk from Christie

What are you threatening me with now bikini boy?

Do you really think I care at all about your power trip and need to control every move I make?  One would have thought you'd have given up years ago...at least a smart man would have.

Who are you to speak of lies when you know damn well every word I have said is true?
You who accuse me of being a child abuser, pornographer, prostitute, thief and whatever else your dirty mouth could spew, in order to defame me now wants to impose more restrictions on what I'm allowed to say about you?!?!?!  LMAO  I wil always post the truth and your threats mean nothing to me...other than good comic relief and more to send to the authorities to prove you have stalked me for over 2 years now.

You know, things like this make me want to come back to San Diego...just to make sure they prosecute you for all your crimes...and you might think you can get away with it just because you're a low level provocateur, but trust me, they are TIRED OF YOU!

How's your zoloft and bud treating you anyway...think it's time for a change???

You know I have proof of everything I have ever said about you and you also should know I have been  very nice, despite the trouble you caused and your sickening displays of chauvinist violence, anger and hate.  If you had more than one brain cell to think with, you would have backed off long ago and at least pretended to be the man you think you are.

FYI...Men don't beat women, they don't threaten, stalk, slander and harass them for years, they don't file false reports about them, try to censor them by taking down their videos which is an expression of free speech...something you say you fight for...nor do they try to control them, call their family and associates to attempt to harm their personal lives.

Jeff Schwilk, you are the biggest liar of them all!  How dare you point fingers and threaten me with more of your lies?  What are you trying to save face for?  Must be driving you crazy that no credible person takes you seriously anymore, and when I decide to take time out of my precious day to give them another dose of truth, you will run like the little coward you are....just like you did when you tried to run away from being served with a response to your lies.
I loved those judges...they certainly saw right through you and all the games you played.  It was fun looking at your beat red face too.  A memory I will never forget...you should be ashamed of yourself!  You shoud be in prison for all the felonies you commited in filing false reports and LYING to judges!  

You know I have much more evidence of your criminal actions than I have already posted...you should really think about that before you start on me again.

If anyone should be making demands, it is me, demanding that you take down your malicious criminal slander about me which you have used in a manner to harm myself, my family and business and personal relationships.
Go take your little dose of drugs and scheme some more about how you can "destroy my life" (in your own words).

I am please to hear you want to harm me again.  Each time you try to slander me, ten more people pop up to assist.  Haven't you learned that everytime you try to hurt me, you only hurt yourself?
I feel very sorry for you.  After all this time, you still have nothing better to do than follow me around...
I will pray for you...and send you a mirror.

You might even try looking in it one of these days...the truth shall set you free!

Be a man and face it!


Wednesday, January 21, 2009

01-21-2009 Christie's Youtube channel deleted for the 9th time! New channel here


I just wanted to share my new youtube account after being deleted for the 9th time!

There have been a group of people filing false copyright complaints against MY VIDEOS, but I am challenging the DMCA which will force them to sue me.  If they do not, then they lose their sites and will face penalties for abusing this system.

Of course that's just a regular tactic of cointelpro agent provocateurs who want to suppress free speech and true freedom knowledge.

This movement is so infiltrated that I think I can't wait for my new show to start again and will be coming back to talkshoe very soon.
I think it's very important for people to learn and recognize the difference between "cointelpro" and

If you haven't seen these videos by Beverly Eakman about agent provocateurs, please take this opportunity to do so!


This is very important information, especially for new activist who might not know that this actually exists.  I was one of those people at one time, so I completely understand and would like to do everything I can to protect others from falling victim to the criminal stalking and harassment I have endured.

As always, we will bring to you the most controversial well versed guests in the subjects we tackle and it's important to remember, anything goes!  There is not a topic I have heard of that has not been discussed and we encourage participation and all views are welcome.  After all, how can we solve the problems we face if we can't even talk about them?

Here is a little video made by Russ, aka "sound guy" about my being censored again...

Please don't forget to add and subscribe to my new channel
 as I waste a couple more months uploading my hundreds of deleted videos...  :-)
Thank you for your patience and understanding.  Also, please alert me if any of the videos in my blogs aren't working.  It's hard to keep up with all the deletions and replace all of them each time.  :-)

I was also recently deleted form myspace so my new channel is here...

Don't forget to yuse our FREE SPEECH forum and tell a friend!  Exercise your 1st Amendment while you still have it!

Thank you and God Bless!